Dollar store blues: Why I stopped loving the dollar store, and what it taught me about spending money [P.2]

Luna Quill
3 min readJul 7, 2022
Photo by visionart.av

In our last article, we talked about the end of my honeymoon phase with the dollar store. Although very much distraught, I’ve come to realize that the end of this chapter signifies the unfolding a new one. The dollar store has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking about how I spend my money and it’s all thanks to their competitive pricing strategy.

You see, the dollar store is a business like any other. They need to be profitable in order to stay afloat and offer their customers the best possible deals. However, the competitive landscape of the retail industry has changed drastically in recent years. With the rise of online shopping and big box stores, the dollar store doesn’t have as much weight to throw around. In other words, their prices are no longer the lowest in town. And you know what? That’s okay.

What the dollar store has taught me is that I need to focus more on quality instead of quantity or price. I am changing from a lack mentality of always needing the cheapest thing to a more abundant mindset of investing in items that will last. After all, they say buy nice or buy twice.

Being so committed to the dollar store made me aware of a fundamental mistake that a lot of people make when it comes to attempting to save money and cut expenses. I realized that in doing things out of habit and assumption, you sometimes end up losing money. I had always assumed that the place to get the lowest prices for any and all things was my beloved ‘Dollarama’. Even after the first price hike to $2, then $3, and even $4, this belief was still engraved into my psyche.

This flawed thinking has probably cost me hundreds if not thousands over the years. Just because something is synonymous with cheap, doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. And just because something is expensive, doesn’t mean it’s not worth the price. It’s all about finding a balance and being mindful of your spending habits. Can you believe it took that long to break that habit?

As mentioned before, in light of this change in mentality I’m being a bit more mindful of where I spend money. It’s opened up the doors to embracing an abundance mindset which allows me to more freely support small businesses. I’m also now less guilt-ridden when I venture out to more expensive places like Sobey’s or local family-run health food stores.

So there you have it, friends. The dollar store is no longer my go-to shop and I’m totally okay with that. In fact, I’m kind of excited to see what the future holds for my spending habits. Thanks for reading and I hope this article provides some clarity the next time you find yourself in your local dollar store.

What do you think? Have you had a similar experience with the dollar store? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Until next time,




Luna Quill

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